Friday, January 17, 2003

We took the 2 hour bus ride to Puebla yesterday afternoon and arrived just as the sun was setting behind the volcano. Puebla looks like a really beautiful city I can´t wait to explore it. The gastronomic tour of Mexico is going along very nicely we had Frajita´s last night (spelling?) followed by copious amounts of Sol. We´re staying with Mafe and Barry and should be here over the weekend.

Thursday, January 16, 2003

Mexico city
Well I´ve arrived safe and sound, it was so great to be met at the airport by Paula. As we flew into Mexico city we saw the volcano looking over the hugest city I´ve ever seen. It reminded me of ´´Bladerunner´´, also the huge lit up billboards everywhere added to the bladerunner effect. Lucas and Paula took us for taco´s last night and they were the greatest taco´s I´ve ever had, I´m pretty sure I´ll be really fat after eating my way through mexico. We´re going to Puebla this afternoon to see Mafe and Barry and no doubt to test more culinary delights.

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Well it’s hard to believe that in about 12 hours time I’ll be lugging my rucksack to Dublin airport and saying goodbye to Ireland for at least a year. I’m not freaking out just suffering from an infestation of butterflies in my tummy (lots of small hyperactive butterflies). I think I have everything ready, I think I’ve only packed what I need but my rucksack still seems huge. All the guide books and websites say that you should try to have a half empty sack because you’re going to want to pick up loads of stuff along the way, then they go on to list loads of stuff that you definitely need to bring. Even if I didn’t bring any clothes and just packed their so called essentials, I still wouldn’t have a half empty sack, I reckon they’ve never managed to successfully apply their own advice. I searched the whole village for a 2003 diary thismorning, the only one I could find was a useless horrible one that will probably fall apart in about 3 days. I bought it anyway even though I’ve seen better diary’s come free with bad quality girly mags. I’d better post this now ‘cause the butterfly situation is now beginning to reach epidemic proportions and I just know that if I keep going I’ll start waffling.

The next time you hear from me I’ll be somewhere else………….. let the fun begin!

Did you know that on this day in 1581, Francis Drake was knighted for
circumnavigating the globe? Kind of apt really, considering we're about to do something similar tomorrow.
Thanks for that bit of info Deag
And also thanks for this………….

"Roads?! Where we're going, we don't need roads!" - Dr. Emmet Brown