Buenas Aires has followed the grand south American tradition of Ironically naming their capital cities. Calling a huge smog infested, poluted city Buenas Aires (good air) is just as crazy as calling the politically unstable frequently rioted in, thieves paradise city La Paz (the peace). Buenas Aires is for me the smell of sweet nuts roasting on every street corner, the taste of food so good it could be the mediteranian and the sound of tango music pouring out of every cafe in the Boca as the "tango man" drags me in to join the party with the result of me standing on everyones toes (that one lesson did nothing for me). The past few days here with Sonia and Adam (we are the 3 little clubbing puppies of Buenas Aires) have been wonderfull and tiring. I went to my first ever live football match, I know I`ve always said that I hate football with a passion due the the excessive amount of the colour green, well now I think I can call myself an avid fan of River Plate. The atmosphere was amazing, the Argentinians love their football, the stadium was an explosion of singing, jumping, rubbish throwing red and white fans. I screamed with the best of them at the top of my voice "Vamos vamos vamos River Plate" and learnt a whole dictionary worth of new spanish swear words to hurl with hatred at the refferee or opposing team member.
Most of the rest of my time in Buenas Aires has been spent shopping or clubbing till the small hours of the morning and tonight is to be the icing on the cake as we`ve got tickets for Shakira. It`s in the River stadium so the memories and atmosphere of the football match will be there to make it even better. Can`t wait, think I´d better get some sleep first.
Most of the rest of my time in Buenas Aires has been spent shopping or clubbing till the small hours of the morning and tonight is to be the icing on the cake as we`ve got tickets for Shakira. It`s in the River stadium so the memories and atmosphere of the football match will be there to make it even better. Can`t wait, think I´d better get some sleep first.