I´m still in Cusco and really liking this town, last night we checked out the local night life and there was lots of salsa dancing and cuba libres, great fun. We´re also watchin closely the movements of the war, of all the different nationalities I´ve met here, I have yet to come accross a person who supports it. I´m staying in a place with a tv (hospadaje estrelito, nice friendly, free breakfast) so we have CNN and BBC world filling us in up to the minute, it´s hard to know what sort of byist opinion we´re geting but I still don´t aggree with the war.
Today we´re going to get a bus and train to Aguas Calientes which is the nearest village to Machupiichu and in the morning we´ll walk up to the ruins. I decided not to do the inca trail ´cause it´s pissing rain everyday and I think that 25 years living in Ireland is enough rain for anyone without adding to it a 4 day uphill trek at an altitude of about 4000m.
Today we´re going to get a bus and train to Aguas Calientes which is the nearest village to Machupiichu and in the morning we´ll walk up to the ruins. I decided not to do the inca trail ´cause it´s pissing rain everyday and I think that 25 years living in Ireland is enough rain for anyone without adding to it a 4 day uphill trek at an altitude of about 4000m.