I arrived in Peru two days ago on the night bus accompanied by the motley crew from the hostel in Vilcabamba. When we got to Puira some of us decided to continue on to Trujillo making our journey an epic 20 hours in total. The landscape we passed along the way was very different from what I saw in Ecuador. It was all desert and abandoned buildings, it reminded me of some sort of post-apocalyptic scene. I'm staying in Huanchaco, a small fishing village near Trujillo, they have great seafood here and really big surf. Yesterday I went on a culture day to see all the pre inca ruins in the area, some of them are pretty spectacular especially the temple of the moon and the city of Chan chan. They are made of this adobe clay stuff and the Chan chan place reminded me of the village in Starwars that Anakin Skywalker is from.
I arrived in Peru two days ago on the night bus accompanied by the motley crew from the hostel in Vilcabamba. When we got to Puira some of us decided to continue on to Trujillo making our journey an epic 20 hours in total. The landscape we passed along the way was very different from what I saw in Ecuador. It was all desert and abandoned buildings, it reminded me of some sort of post-apocalyptic scene. I'm staying in Huanchaco, a small fishing village near Trujillo, they have great seafood here and really big surf. Yesterday I went on a culture day to see all the pre inca ruins in the area, some of them are pretty spectacular especially the temple of the moon and the city of Chan chan. They are made of this adobe clay stuff and the Chan chan place reminded me of the village in Starwars that Anakin Skywalker is from.